Rene Campbell Bench Press

She became fascinated with bodybuilding as a young girl and was just 14 when she started working on her dream of becoming a powerlifter.
Rene campbell bench press. Booost oxygen 17 268 views. 29 8k followers 113 following 198 posts see instagram photos and videos from rene campbell renecampbell. It would even be fair to call her a natural if not a bit ironic.
Skip navigation sign in. Split machine incline bench press demonstrated by rene campbell for booost oxygen duration. Stand basic dumbbell curl demonstrated by rene campbell to booost oxygen booost oxygen gives serious sports people the oxygen booost they need to get them through the wall.
13 st5lb works out for two hours a day. She is also a world bench press and deadlift champion. So going by the above measurements and weight rene campbell fits squarely in the female heavyweight bodybuilder category and this well manifested by her average lift stats that currently stand at.
Youtube rene campbell a british national champion who weighs approx. Split machine incline bench press demonstrated by rene campbell for booost oxygen duration. Once a size 8 rene started competing only four years after her training began.
Split machine incline bench press demonstrated by rene campbell for booost oxygen booost oxygen gives serious sports people the oxygen booost they need to get them through the wall. Chest exercise using cable crossover demonstrated by rene cambell to booost oxygen booost oxygen gives serious sports people the oxygen booost they need to get them through the wall. It is 99 5 oxygen with.